It is the most common format that Certificate Authorities issue certificates in. It contains the ‘—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–' and '—–END CERTIFICATE—–' statements.
You can export the certificates and private key from a PKCS#12 file and save them in PEM format to a new file by specifying an output filename: openssl pkcs12 -in INFILE.p12 -out OUTFILE.crt -nodes. Again, you will be prompted for the PKCS#12 file's password.
- PKCS#12 (also known as PKCS12 or PFX) is a binary format for storing a certificate chain and private key in a single, encryptable file. PKCS#12 files are commonly used to import and export certificates and private keys on Windows and macOS computers, and usually have the filename extensions.p12 or.pfx.
- PEM certificate can contain both the certificate and the certificate private key in the same file. The PEM certificates are encoded in the text ASCII Base64 format, and you can view them in any text editor. Apache, Nginx, and similar web servers are using the SSL certificates in the PEM file format. Web Server IIS on Windows Server uses a.
- The Unified Access Gateway capability in your pod requires SSL for client connections. When you want the pod to have a Unified Access Gateway configuration, the pod deployment wizard requires a PEM-format file to provide the SSL server certificate chain to the pod's Unified Access Gateway configuration. The single PEM file must contain the full entire certificate chain including the private.
- Convert your user key and certificate files to PEM format. Get the.key.pem file. For example: openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in my.p12 -out.key.pem; Get the. For example: openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in my.p12 -out.cert.pem; Remove the passphrase from the key. For example: openssl rsa -in.key.pem -out keynopass.pem mv keynopass.pem.key.pem.
Several PEM certificates and even the Private key can be included in one file, one below the other. But most platforms(eg:- Apache) expects the certificates and Private key to be in separate files.
- They are Base64 encoded ASCII files
- They have extensions such as .pem, .crt, .cer, .key
- Apache and similar servers uses PEM format certificates
DER Format
It is a Binary form of ASCII PEM format certificate. All types of Certificates & Private Keys can be encoded in DER format
- They are Binary format files
- They have extensions .cer & .der
- DER is typically used in Java platform
NOTE: Only way to tell the difference between PEM .cer and DER .cer is to open the file in a Text editor and look for the BEGIN/END statements.
P7B/PKCS#7 Sigil of sulphur meaning.
They contain '—–BEGIN PKCS—–' & '—–END PKCS7—–' statements. It can contain only Certificates & Chain certificates but not the Private key.
- They are Base64 encoded ASCII files
- They have extensions .p7b, .p7c, .p7s
- Several platforms supports it. eg:- Windows OS, Java Tomcat
P12 Certificate To Pfx
They are used for storing the Server certificate, any Intermediate certificates & Private key in one encryptable file.
- They are Binary format files
- They have extensions .pfx, .p12
- Typically used on Windows OS to import and export certificates and Private keys
- Convert PEM to DER
- Convert PEM to P7B
- Convert PEM to PFX
- Convert DER to PEM
- Convert P7B to PEM
- Convert P7B to PFX
- Convert PFX to PEM
NOTE: While converting PFX to PEM format, openssl will put all the Certificates and Private Key into a single file. You will need to open the file in Text editor and copy each Certificate & Private key(including the BEGIN/END statements) to its own individual text file and save them as certificate.cer, CAcert.cer, privateKey.key respectively.
Transferring Mac 10.9 Certificate Files
This page provides the following Mac 10.9 instructions:
For instructions about transferring Mac 10.7 certificate files, see How to Import and Export SSL Certificates in Mac 10.7.
Create P12 From Pem
How to Export Your SSL Certificates
P12 Certificate Download
Open Keychain Access.
In the Finder window, under Favorites, click Applications, click Utilities and then double-click Keychain Access.
In the Keychain Access window, under Keychains, click System and then under Category, click Certificates.
Hold down the command key and then select your SSL Certificate (e.g. and the corresponding Intermediate Certificate (e.g. DigiCert Secure Server CA).
In the Keychain Access toolbar, click File > Export Items.
In the 'Export' window, do the following:
In the File Format drop-down list select Personal information Exchange (.p12).
Note: A .p12 file uses the same format as a .pfx file.
Click the up-arrow next to the Save As box and navigate to where you want to save the SSL Certificate .p12 file.
Make sure to save the .p12 file in a location that you will remember.
In the Save As box, name the certificate .p12 file (e.g. and click Save.
In the 'Password' window, in the Password and Verify boxes, create and verify your password and then, click OK.
Your SSL Certificate (with private key and corresponding Intermediate Certificate) has now been exported as a .p12 file.
How to Import Your SSL Certificate File (.p12 and .pfx)
Open Keychain Access.
In the Finder window, under Favorites, click Applications, click Utilities and then double-click Keychain Access.
Master amazon prime. In the Keychain Access toolbar, click File > Import Items.
In the Keychain Access window, in the Destination Keychain drop-down list, select System.
Navigate to and select your SSL Certificate .p12 file (e.g. and then, click Open.
In the Keychain Access.. window, enter your admin Name and Password and then, click Modify Keychain.
In the Enter the password.. window, in the Password box, type the password that you created when you exported your SSL Certificate (with private key and corresponding Intermediate Certificate) and then click OK.
Your SSL Certificate (with private key and corresponding Intermediate Certificate) is now imported into your System keychain.
Next, use the steps below to assign the new certificate to Services.
How to Assign a New SSL Certificate to Website Services
Open the Server App.
In the Finder window, under Favorites, click Applications and then double-click Server.
In the Server window, do one of the following actions to select the server to which you imported your SSL Certificate.
To assign the certificate to Services on this server
Select This Mac – YourServerName and then click Continue.
Enter your Administrator Name and Administrator Password and then click Connect.
To assign the certificate to Services on another server
Select Other Mac and then click Continue.
Enter your Host Name or IP Address, your Administrator Name and Administrator Password, and then click Connect.
In the Server window, under Server, click Certificates.
On the Certificates page, in the Secure services using drop-down list, select Custom.
In the Service Certificates window, in the Certificate drop-down list, select your imported SSL Certificate for each Service to which you want to assign it.
For example, in the Certificate drop-down list for Websites (Server Website – SSL) select your imported SSL Certificate.
When you are finished, click OK.
Your SSL Certificate should now be assigned to your respective Services.
Test Your Installation
If your website is publicly accessible, our DigiCert® SSL Installation Diagnostics Tool can help you diagnose common problems.
Ready to Order Your Mac OS X Mavericks SSL Certificate